This Safe Work Method Statement outlines the general requirements to undertake the activity of pulling small and medium sized cable in a safe and structured manner.
Job steps include pre-planning, training / competency, equipment, emergency response, specific job steps (Securing the work area, establishing exclusion zones, accessing cable pulling area and commencing and continuing cable pulling until complete), monitoring, completion of task and demobilisation from work area.
This Safe Work Method Statement utilises the AllSafety Risk Matrix and all activities are risk assessed based on the inherent and residual risk model.
This Safe Work Method Statements provides a basic outline of activity, potential hazards and recommended controls with provision to include activity specific requirements and personnel who are responsible for the review, approval and monitoring aspects of the activity.
Pages: 7 (1 x cover page, 1 x risk matrix and criteria, 4 x activity breakdown, 1 x sign on sheet)